Transformer Hire
1. 500KVA 1KV/415V/240V step down is mounted on galvanised oil retaining skid base and is small enough to be transported via car trailer weighing less than 2 tonne.
Can be used to step up or step down voltage by simply removing Neutral earth Resister link from required primary winding.
2. 1MVA Underground Substation. 11KV/1KV step down with oil bunded galvanised skid base. Earth leakage/NER protection. 6 X 1000volt 250amp ABB ciruit breakers.
3. 100KVA 1KV/415V/240V step down transformer is skid monted air cooled transformer. Full earth leakage on primary and secondary side. NER protected.
Oil samples are available upon request and contain no PCB's.